
Enríquez de Valderrábano

Repleti sunt quidem spiritu sancto [Verdelot]


Silva de sirenas (1547), fol. 8


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Source title Quinta en tercero traste se señala la claue de fefaut. Verdelot Tercero grado.
Title in contents   Repleti sunt quidem spiritu sancto en el tercero grado a quatro. Verdelot.
Text incipit Repleti sunt quidem spiritu sancto


Category intabulation

Genre motet

Fantasia type

Mode 8

Voices 4

Length (compases) 127


Tuning A

Courses 6

Final IV/0

Highest I/8

Lowest VI/3

Difficulty difficult

Tempo medium

Song Text

Language LA

Vocal notation texted cifras rojas


Intabulation of Verdelot’s four-voice motet “Repleti sunt quide, spiritu sancto,” the secunda pars of “Virtute magna.” The text of “Repleti sunt” is drawn from Acts 4:31 and used as a responsory for the mass on Easter Wednesday. The version published in “Motteti del fiore… libro primo” (1532) is attributed to Mathieu Lasson. The version in “Symphoniae iucundae atque adeo breves quatuor vocum” (Wittenburg: Georg Rhau, 1538) is attributed to Verdelot and corresponds to this intabulation.

Song Text

Repleti sunt quidem spiritu sancto
loquebantur cum fiducia verbum dei.
Testimonium resurrectionis jesu christi
domini nostri alleluya alleluya.

They were indeed filled with the Holy Spirit
and spoke the word of God with boldness,
bearing witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
our Lord. Alleluia.

Modern edition(s)

Attaingnant, Pierre. Treize livres de motets parus chez Pierre Attaingnant en 1534 et 1535. Ed. A. Smijers and A. Tillman Merritt. Paris : Editions de l'Oiseau-Lyre, 1934-1964.

Printed source(s)

Rhau, George (ed.). Symphoniae jucundae...- Wittenberg. George Rhau, 1538. ed. Hans ALBERCHT. Kassel: Bärenreiter-Verlag, 1959.
