
Diego Pisador

Lagrime mesti et voi sospir dolenti [Barré]


Libro de música para vihuela (1552), fol. 89v


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Source title Otra villanesca. Entonase la primera en primer traste.
Title in contents   Lagrime mesti a quatro las tres bozes tañidas y la vna cantada por defuera.
Text incipit Lagrime mesti & voi sospir dolenti


Category intabulation

Genre madrigal

Fantasia type


Voices 4

Length (compases) 41


Tuning E

Courses 6

Final V/5

Highest I/1

Lowest VI/1

Difficulty not specified

Tempo not specified

Song Text

Language IT

Vocal notation texted staff notation


Setting of a madrigal by Leonardus Barré, formerly attributed to Willaert based on ascription in Madrigali a quatro voci di Adriano Willaert (Venice: Scotto, 1563) [= RISM W1130], no. 3, p. 4. Two earlier sources attribute it to Barré:
RISM A1382 = 1544/16, Il quinto libro di madrigali di Archadelt a quatro voci (Venice: Gardane, 1544)
RISM A1383 = 1550/17, Il quinto libro di madrigali di Archadelt a quatro voci (Venice: Gardane, 1544)
The modern edition of the work is included in the CMM edition of the music of Willaert.
Information from kidgerWILLAERT, p. 278.

Song Text

Modern edition(s)

Willaert, Adrian. Opera Omnia. Roma: Hermann Zenck y Halter Gerstemberg. American Institute of Musicology, 1950. (ed.).

Printed source(s)

Arcadelt, Jacques. Il quinto libro di madrigali di Archadelt a quatro voci. Venezia: A. Gardane, 4 vol, 1544.

Willaert, Adrian. Madrigali a quatro voci di Adriano Willaert. Venice: Scotto, 1563.
