
Diego Pisador

Fantasía 09, del septimo tono sobre ut sol mi sol la sol


Libro de música para vihuela (1552), fol. 20v


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Source title Fa[n]tasia del septimo tono. Es la claue de cesol faut, la tercera e[n] primero traste/sobre vt sol mi sol la sol
Title in contents   Fantasia del septimo tono va la boz que se canta de colorado señalada.
Text incipit Vt sol mi sol la sol


Category abstract

Genre fantasia

Fantasia type Ost

Mode 7

Voices 4

Length (compases) 121


Tuning A

Courses 6

Final ?

Highest I/7

Lowest VI/2

Difficulty not specified

Tempo not specified

Song Text


Vocal notation texted cifras rojas solmised


Rubric: “Fantasia in mde 7. The C clef is on the [course] at the first fret. On ut sol mi sol la sol” — another monothematic fantasia on an ostinato cantus firmus [=C–G–E–G–A–G], although in many ways more like a polythematic work. This is one of the most attractive and best composed of Pisador’s fantasias of this style. It demonstrates his potentials as an original composer. This piece has structure, clarity, ingenuity, variety, harmonic direction, melodic interest and fewer technical faults. The work divides into 2 sections at the end of bar 26 of the transcription, close to the mid-point.
Each of the two principal sections begins with secondary themes. The cantus firmus is used in a variety of ways, but not in imitation. At the beginning of the work, the theme is given in long notes in three voices (T – B – S) with shorter note counter themes (2, 3, 4) against it. This ends with a cadence at bar 11 (in halved bar transcription) This is follow by a statement of the theme in the Alto voice, then free to the next cadence at b. 17. This is followed by three statements of theme in crotchets (minims in the tablature), with free material between until K at 26. The texture then is reduced to S/A – T/B duos of theme 5. Theme 1 is then reintroduced in crotchets then in minims later with more figuration in the other voices, then reduced again to crotchets again until final cadential passage. The textures of this work are much thinner than many of Pisador’s works. Faults are also fewer, here just some odd false relations and cadences. Theme 1, as well the cantus and bass voices, as well as the cadences are more characteristic of mode 8 than mode 7.