
Diego Pisador

Si te quitasse los hierros


Libro de música para vihuela (1552), fol. 11


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Source title Otro villancico a quatro cantase el tiple, y ta[m]bie[n] se quisiere[n] le puede[n] ca[n]tar vna otaua en baxo. Es la claue de cesolofaut. La tercera en tercero traste.
Title in contents   Villancico a quatro si te quitase los hierros.
Text incipit Si te quitasse los hierros


Category intabulation

Genre villancico

Fantasia type

Mode I

Voices 4

Length (compases) 66


Tuning G

Courses 6

Final VI/2

Highest I/9

Lowest VI/0

Difficulty not specified

Tempo not specified

Song Text

Language ES

Vocal notation texted cifras rojas


An otherwise unknown villancico, with both text and music unique to Pisador’s book. The text fits the model of estribillo-copla-estriblllo, with the copla divided into a mudanza-vuelta pair. The music appears to be in mode 1, transposed in G-tuning to have the final on A. Pisador’s rubric indicates that it is the tiple part that is to be sung and printed in red ciphers but suggests that this part may be sung an octave lower: “Another four-voice villancico, the tiple to be sung, but if you wish it can be sung an octave lower. The C-clef is on the third course at the third fret.

Song Text

Si te quitasse los hierros
y prisiones en que estas
morico, mas me daras.
Darte yo si tu quisieres
señora mi coraçon
En cadenas y prision
tuyo soy mientras biviere
Por las tierras donde fueres
por tuyo me nombraras
moric mas me darás?

If you take away the irons
and prisons in which you are,
morico, you will give me more.
Give me to you if you wish,
lady, my heart
In chains and prison
I am yours as long as I live
In whichever the lands you might go
you will name me as yours
Morico, but will you give me more?

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