
Diego Pisador

Pues te partes y te vas


Libro de música para vihuela (1552), fol. 10v


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Source title Villancico de a quatro. Es la claue de cesolfaut, la tercera en primero traste.
Title in contents   Villancico a q[ua]tro pues te partes y, te vas.
Text incipit Pues te partes y te vas.


Category intabulation

Genre villancico

Fantasia type

Mode 8

Voices 4

Length (compases) 59


Tuning A

Courses 6

Final IV/0

Highest I/7

Lowest VI/3

Difficulty not specified

Tempo not specified

Song Text

Language ES

Vocal notation texted cifras rojas


A setting of an other wise unknown villancico. It corresponds to no. 552 in Frenk’s Corpus (frenk1987). The text and the musical setting are slightly irregular. The rubric indicates a vihuela in A for this four-voice work. Its style is closely linked to the preceding pieces in the anthology, suggesting that may be drawn from the same source, unless they were to be original works by Pisador. The setting is in mode 8, with the work concluding on the modal dominant.. The style of the poly[hony is imitative with the altus voice printed in red ciphers to be sung.

Song Text

Pues te partes y te vas
dime cuando bolueras
El partir de tu partida
que ansi me aparta de verte
me allego tanto a la muerte
que se me aparta la vida
Y pues forçosa es tu ida,
y te vas
dime cuando bolueras

Since you are leaving and you are going,
tell me when you are will return
The separation of your departure
which will seaparate me from seeing you
brings me so close to death
that life departs from me.
And since you are forcing your departure
and you are going,
tell me when you will return.

Modern edition(s)
Printed source(s)