
Diego Pisador

Y con qué la lavaré [Vásquez]


Libro de música para vihuela (1552), fol. 9


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Source title Otro villancico la claue va en tercero traste.
Title in contents   Villancico y con q[ue] la luare a tres bozes.
Text incipit Y co[n] que la lauare


Category intabulation

Genre villancico

Fantasia type

Mode 1

Voices 3

Length (compases) 63


Tuning G

Courses 6

Final VI/2

Highest I/2

Lowest VI/2

Difficulty not specified

Tempo not specified

Song Text

Language ES

Vocal notation texted cifras rojas


This popular villancico text was also set by vihuelists Narváez (na029), Valderrabano (va042) and Fuenllana (fu143). There is also a version that shares quite a bit in common in Villancicos de diversos autores version (uppsala1556, no 29). Pisador’s version is not the same as the other versions of the vihuelists, but clearly using themes closely related to the Fuenllana version attributed to Vásquez.

Based on the inpublished comparison made by Gracia Gil (e-mail communicated by 2/9/2012) the known settings appears to use a commonly known melody that was used by Carreira (Coimbra), Narváez, Pisador. Fuenllana, the anonymous setting in the Cancionero de Uppsala, and Vásquez, Recopilación. The melody in the Valderrábano setting is the only one that does not conform.

Song Text

¿Y con qué la lavaré,
La flor de la mi cara?
¿Y con qué la lavaré,
Que vivo mal penada?.
Lavávanse las moças,
Con agua de limones.
Lavarme yo cuitada,
Con ansias y dolores.
¿Y con qué la lavaré,
Que vivo mal penada?

With what shall I wash it,
the bloom of my face?
With what shall I wash it,
I who live deeply pained.
Married women wash
with water of lemons,
I wash myself, afflicted,
with worry and pain.
With what shall I wash it…

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