
Diego Pisador

Fantasía 02


Libro de música para vihuela (1552), fol. 8


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Source title OTRA FANTASIA ATRES TAMBIEN: Llana para los que aprenden y comiençan a tañer a se de tañer de espacio. Comiença el primer tono.
Title in contents   Fantasia a tres.
Text incipit


Category abstract

Genre fantasia

Fantasia type ImP

Mode 1

Voices 3

Length (compases) 98


Tuning A

Courses 6

Final V/0

Highest I/5

Lowest V/0

Difficulty not specified

Tempo slow

Song Text


Vocal notation


Rubric: “Another Fantasia in three voices, also simple for those who are learning and are beginning to play. It has to be played sloyly. [Here] begins the first mode.”

This is a polythematic fantasia, heavily influenced in style by the fantasias of Luis Milán or, if not directly, in the same early style, although without the same amount of polish. Each of the 5 sections is monothematic and the ideas of one section often infiltrate the next by melodic suggestion. Some of the same cadential formulae terminate each section. There is considerable looseness, but it is by far the more satisfactory of the two Fantasias in the first libro. As can be seen in the diagram below, there is a regular long/short pattern in section lengths. The structure is quite sound, although the treatment of the middle voice is weak, and is often omitted from the musical discourse.