
Alonso Mudarra

Tiento [para órgano o arpa]


Tres libros de música en cifra (1546), fol. III/61


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Source title Tiento
Title in contents   Cifras para harpa y organo.
Text incipit


Category abstract

Genre tiento

Fantasia type

Mode 7

Voices 4

Length (compases) 16







Difficulty not specified

Tempo not specified

Song Text


Vocal notation


This piece is included at the end of Mudarra’s anthology to present a tablature for harp and keyboard invented by him.

Mudarra introduces the piece with an explanatory text:
De esta otra parte se pone un principio de un Libro que tenía hecho para imprimir, en el qual avía muchas Fantasías y Composturas en una nueva manera de cifras para Harpa y Órgano, el qual acordé poner aquí (Pues mis ocupaciones no me dieron lugar a que imprimiese el dicho libro) para que si a alguno le paresciere bien la invención destas cifras se pueda aprovechar della, sacando en ellas composturas como se sacan en las de la Vihuela porque en todo llevan la mesma orden, salvo que estas cifras no tienen número de uno, ni de dos, ni de nada. Todas son de una manera, no hazen más de señalar las cuerdas en que an de tocar.
[In this other part there is the beginning of a book that I had made to print, in which there were many fantasies and intabulations in a new type of tablature for Harp and Organ, which I agreed to put here (since my occupations did not allow me to print the said book) so that if anyone should find the invention of these figures good, he may take advantage of it, writing in it compositions as they are drawn in those of the Vihuela because in everything they have the same order, except that these figures have no number of one, nor of two, nor of anything else. They are all in one way, they do no more than indicate the strings on which they are to be played.

Song Text

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