
Alonso Mudarra

Si me llaman, a mí llaman


Tres libros de música en cifra (1546), fol. III/47v


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Source title Villancico. Entonase la box en la prima en vazio.
Title in contents   Si me llaman a mí llaman
Text incipit Si me llaman a mí llaman


Category song

Genre Villancico

Fantasia type

Mode 1

Voices 4

Length (compases) 84


Tuning A

Courses 6

Final V/0

Highest I/8

Lowest VI/0

Difficulty not specified

Tempo medium

Song Text

Language ES

Vocal notation texted staff notation


This appears to be an original song by Mudarra based on a popular theme. The melody is similar to the setting by Juan Vásquez (vasquezRSV, p. 42, nº198), and the intabulation of that setting by Diego Pisador (pi022). The introduction plays imitatively with the opening motive from the popular song, but continues it with a freely constructed idiomatic accopaniment. The formal structure is estribillo 1-51; coplas 52-65; estribillo 66-84 and shows an extended opening estribillo with only short subsequent sections.


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Song Text

Si me llaman, a mí llaman,
Que cuido que me llaman a mí.

Y en aquella sierra erguida
Cuido que me llaman a mí.
Llaman a la más garrida
Que cuido que me llaman a mí.

Si me llaman, amí llaman,
Que cuido que me llaman a mí.

If they call me, it is me they call
I make sure it is me they call.

And in the high mountains
I make sure that it is me they call.
They call for the prettiest one,
I make sure it is me they call.

If they call me, it is me they call
I make sure it is me they call.

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