
Alonso Mudarra

Díme a do tienes las mientes


Tres libros de música en cifra (1546), fol. III/45


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Source title Villancico. Entonase la boz en la segu[n]da al tercero traste.
Title in contents   Dime a do tienes las mientes.
Text incipit Dime a do tienes las mie[n]tes


Category song

Genre Villancico

Fantasia type

Mode 1

Voices 4

Length (compases) 84


Tuning F#

Courses 6

Final VI/3

Highest I/6

Lowest VI/1

Difficulty not specified

Tempo medium

Song Text

Language ES

Vocal notation texted staff notation


The first of the series of five villancicos in Mudarra’s collection. Despite the villancico structure (ABCC a’b’a’b’a’ BC as characterised by Roa2015, 403), Mudarra’s settting is through composed, but with melodic repetition, for example, of the opening estribillo from c. 61. The melody is thought to be of popular origin, or in the style of popular music, but there is no evidence for this other than an article by Marius Schneider points to the similarity of text and music between this song and a song he collected in three different versions from shepherds in the area of Granada in 1945 (Schneider1955). “¡Ay! tontería, darles voces/ al pastor que esté dormido/ si no llegáis a decirle:/ el ganado se te ha ido.”
The modality of this piece is difficult to establish: it can be interpreted as mode 1 in D, closing on the dominant (A) especially in light of the several cadences on A with a melodic C#. Alternatively, based on the final, it could be considered as mode 1 transposed to A.
Earlier settings of the same text are in the Cancionero de Palacio (angles1941, nº291 and 292).

Song Text

Díme a do tienes las mientes
pastorico descuidado
que se te pierde el ganado.
Nunca duermo, siempre afano,
y ansí como con fatigas,
que se me yelan las migas
entre la boca y la mano;
quanta soldada yo gano
daría, triste cuitado,
por salir de este cuidado.

Tell me where you have your mind,
careless shepherd
for your flock is straying.
I cannot sleep, I always toil,
and even when so tired,
the crumbs freeze
between my hand and mouth.
All the wages I earn
I would give, such is my worry,
to rid me of these cares.

Modern edition(s)
Printed source(s)

Morais, Manuel (ed.). Vilancetes, cantigas e romances do século XVI. Transcrição e estudo de Manuel Morais. Portugaliae Musica Serie A, 47. Lisbon: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1986.