
Alonso Mudarra

Sin dudar, Canción al milagro de la Encarnación


Tres libros de música en cifra (1546), fol. III/15v


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Source title Cancion al milagro de la e[n]carnacion. Entonase la vox en la segu[n]da al segu[n]do traste va tañida esta vox.
Title in contents   Sin dudar, con segunda parte.
Text incipit Sin dudar


Category song

Genre Canción

Fantasia type

Mode 8

Voices 4

Length (compases) 157


Tuning G

Courses 6

Final VI/0

Highest I/9

Lowest VI/0

Difficulty not specified

Tempo variable

Song Text

Language ES

Vocal notation texted staff notation


The first of the songs that Mudarra labels “canción” and describes as concerning “the miracle of the incarnation,” that is, of the Virgin Mary. The text also appears in the Segundo Cancionero Espiritual by Jorge de Montemayor, addressed to the very magnificent Sr. Jerónimo de Salamanca, published in Antwerp in 1558, followed by a gloss by the author on the text of this song (pujol1949, 77). Roa reports another copy in MSS 3902, fol. 139v in the Biblioteca Nacional in Madrid (roa2015, I 368).

The poetry is organised as two seven-verse stanzas of 4-8-4-8-4-8-8 syllables. The music is through composed, other than one internal passage that is repeated. The vocal part, notated on a separate staff, is the altus of the four-part texture. The music reflects the new style of Italian composition evident of the madrigal with a variety of treatments given to each verse, ranging from quasi hompohonic passages to other imitative sections. Roa gives a detailed analysis of the poetry.