
Alonso Mudarra

Triste estaba el rey David


Tres libros de música en cifra (1546), fol. III/13


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Source title Romance. Entonase la boz e[n la segu[n]da al tercero traste.
Title in contents   Triste estava el rey Dauid.
Text incipit Triste estava el rey dauid


Category song

Genre Romance

Fantasia type

Mode 4

Voices 4

Length (compases) 44


Tuning F#

Courses 6

Final IV/0

Highest I/6

Lowest VI/1

Difficulty not specified

Tempo medium

Song Text

Language ES

Vocal notation texted staff notation


One of Mudarra’s most famous songs based on the Old Testament account of David slaying Absalom in Samuel II. The song shows Mudarra’s ability to create exquisite melody with simple accompaniment. The music has close connections to the pavana-folia pattern (griffiths2003-1 and 2003-2). The vocal part is notated on a separate staff.

Pujol suggests that the text may have originated prior to the 15th century, but no other version is known.
Roa gives a detailed analysis (roa2015, 364)


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Song Text

Triste estava el rey David,
Triste y con gran pasión,
Quando le vinieron nuevas
De la muerte de Absalón.

Quando le vinieron nuevas
De la muerte de Absalón,
Palabras tristes dezía
Salidas del coraçon.

At the end of the romance, following the tablature, there is another stanza:

Ellos mismos fueron causa
De tu muerte y mi passión.
No te quisiera ver muerto,
Sino viuo en mi prisión,
Que aunque me eras desobediente
Yo te otorgara perdón.
Fili mi.»

King David was in sorrow,
sad and with great passion,
after receiving news
of the death of Absalom.

On receiving news
of the death of Absalom,
Sad words he uttered
from within his heart.

Modern edition(s)
Printed source(s)