
Alonso Mudarra

Gúardame las vacas [Romanesca]


Tres libros de música en cifra (1546), fol. I/17


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Source title Romanesca: o guardame las vacas. Proporción tres semibreues al conpas.
Title in contents   Romanesca o guardame las vacas de cinco maneras.
Text incipit


Category variations

Genre vacas

Fantasia type

Mode 1

Voices 4

Length (compases) 52


Tuning E

Courses 6

Final IV/3

Highest I/10

Lowest VI/0

Difficulty not specified

Tempo slow

Song Text


Vocal notation


A set of 5 variations on the III-VII-i-V harmonic scheme of Guárdame las vacas. Each variation starts with this pattern, but the cadences and links are not always regualr, and the piece is unusual in the way the variations are linked into a more continuous musical fabric. This is not so common in 16th-century variations.

Pujol speculates about the name Romanesca, but it is clear that it is the name used in Italy for the same melodic-harmonic scheme that was known in Spain by the opening line of the romance wtith which it was commonly associated.

Other settings are found in the vihuela books of Narváez, Valderrábano and the Ramillete de flores manuscript as well as in numerour keyboard souces. All the known Spanish instrumental versions are available online in transcription by John Griffiths at All thirteen seetings be seen in one table together at

See commentary for na032


fentross01 Ay Luna. Música española del Siglo de Oro Guillemette Laurens, Mike Fentross (vihuela) vihuela song Mudarra Valderrábano Narváez Milán

Canto a mi caballero. The Tradition of Antonio de Cabezón Capriccio Stravagante, Skip Sempé Mudarra, Narváez

heringman05 Alonso Mudarra: Songs and solos for vihuela & guitar Catherine King, Jacob Heringman Mudarra

Sevilla circa 1560. Secular Polyphony of the Andalusian School La Trulla de Bozes, Carlos Sandúa Mudarra

eisenhardt03 La Guitarre Royalle Lex Eisenhardt Milán Narváez Fuenllana Mudarra

wilson01 Vihuela Music of the Spanish Renaissance Christopher Wilson solo Milán Narvaez Mudarra Valderrabano Fuenllana Pisador Daza Mendoza López

rivera01 De los Alamos de Sevilla: 16th century Spanish vihuela music printed in Seville Juan Carlos Rivera solo Mudarra, Fuenllana

fresno04 Alonso Mudarra: Tres libros de música en cifras para vihuela y para canto y vihuela Jorge Fresno and Rosemarie Meister solo vihuela song Mudarra

mulder-carranza01 Fantasías y diferencias - Música para dos vihuelas Juan Carlos de Mulder and Daniel Carranza solo ensemble Milán Valderrábano Mudarra Narváez

delitiae01 Adios mi amor Delitiae Musicae (Manuel Minguillón and Jesús Sánchez) ensemble Narváez Mudarra Valderrábano

smith06 Alonso Mudarra - Tres libros de musica en cifras para vihuela Hopkinson Smith solo Mudarra

satoh01 Vol 3_The Art of Spanish Variations. “Conde Claros” and other Spanish Vihuela Music Toyohiko Satoh, Ireen Thomas (Vihuela) solo ensemble Mudarra Milán Narváez Valderrábano Pisador Cabezón

pitzl01 Alonso Mudarra, Tres Libros de Musica, Sevilla 1546 Raquel Andueza & Private Musicke dir. Pierre Pitzl vihuela song Mudarra Milán Narváez Daza

rivera04 Tañer de gala. Música para vihuela Juan Carlos Rivera solo Milán Narváez Mudarra Valderrábano Pisador

ragossnig01 Tanzmusik der Renaissance Konrad Ragossnig ensemble solo Milán Mudarra

ragossnig02 Musik für Laute - Music for Lute - Musique pour Luth Konrad Ragossnig Milán Mudarra Narváez

mito01 Music for vihuela 2: O gloriosa domina Shigeo Mito solo Milán Mudarra Narváez

eguez01 Ay fortuna cruel, l’âge d’or de la musique espagnol Bárbara Kusa & Eduardo Egüez Daza Milán Mudarra Narváez

heringman04 A Royal Songbook. Spanish Music from the time of Columbus Musica Antiqua of London, Jacob Heringman Mudarra

Sephardic Journey. Spain and the Spanish Jews La Rondinella, Mudarra Milán

fresno05 Vihuelistas españoles del Renacimiento [guitar] Jorge Fresno solo Milán Mudarra Narváez Valderrábano

cherevko01 Silva de Vihuelas Dimitry Cherevko Milán Narváez Mudarra Valderrábano

cherici02 El Siglo de Oro: Obras para vihuela 2 Paolo Cherici solo Mudarra Valderrábano Pisador Fuenllana Daza

Song Text

see na032

Modern edition(s)
Printed source(s)