
Luis Milán

Nova angeletta


El Maestro (1536), fol. H7v


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Source title Este soneto q[ue] se sigue se ha tañer algun ta[n]to regozijado: y el cantor ha de cantar llano. y donde cabera glosar con la boz sea quiebro o trinar que dizen.
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Text incipit Nova angeleta


Category song

Genre Madrigal

Fantasia type

Mode 6

Voices 4

Length (compases) 70


Tuning A

Courses 6

Final VI/1

Highest I/5

Lowest VI/1

Difficulty not specified

Tempo fast

Song Text

Language IT

Vocal notation texted cifras rojas


This song is a setting of madrigal by Petrarch (Il Canzoniere, nº106, compiled 1327-1368). The text comprises two tercets and a ritornello so it is a classic example of the trecento madrigal, even though Milán calls it a sonnet. Milán’s setting is strongly chordal and could easily be seen as being for a vihuela in E instead of A, in which case the 6th mode would not be transposed. The title tells that “This sonnet that follows has to be sung somewhat merrily, and the singer has to sing unadorned, and where some ornaments can be added they should be quiebros or what is called trilling.

Song Text

Noua angeletta soura l’ale accorta
Scese dal cielo in su la fresca riua
l’and io passaua sol per mio destino.

Poi che senza compagna et senza scorta
mi vide, vn laccio che di seta ordiua
tese fra l'herba ond' è verde il camino.

Alhor fui preso, et non mi spiacque poi,
sì dolce lume vscia degli occhi ſuoi.

A new young angel carried by her wings
descended from the sky to the green bank,
there where I passed, alone, to my destiny,
When she saw I was without companion,
or guard, she stretched a noose, woven of silk,
in the grass, with which the way was turfed.
Then I was captured: and later it did not displease me,
so sweet a light issued from her eyes.

Translated by A. S. Kline ©2002 (non commercial use permitted) (accessed 30/06/2013)

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