
Luis Milán

Quien amores ten


El Maestro (1536), fol. H2


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Source title Aqui empieçan los villancicos portugueses: y este primero que se sigue de la manera que esta sonado: el cantor puede hazer garganta y la vihuela vaya a espacio.
Title in contents  
Text incipit Quien amores ten


Category song

Genre Villancico

Fantasia type

Mode 7

Voices 4

Length (compases) 34


Tuning A

Courses 6

Final V/0

Highest I/7

Lowest V/0

Difficulty not specified

Tempo slow

Song Text

Language PO

Vocal notation texted cifras rojas


Rubric: “Here start the Portuguese villancicos, and this first one that follows regarding the manner that it is played: the singer may add diminutions and the vihuela should go slowly.” Trend (trend1925, 48) claims the poetry to by by Juan Fernández de Heredia. Ward (ward1953, 440) concurs. Frenk, Nuevo Corpus (frenk2003) gives the text and related versions (no 718). Translation below is by John Griffiths; another translation is in Jacobs 303

This is one of three songs by Milán that Lafargue (in a paper given at the Med-Ren confernce in Spoleto in 2001, a paper derived from her thesis) suggests may be built on a pattern derived from Conde Claros. The three use the I-IV-V-I pattern, but it remains to be seen if this is a pattern or just their harmonic language. The three are of them are Quien amores, Falai miña amor and Amor que tan bien sirviendo and are built exactly on the same structure.

Song Text

Quie[n] amores ten
afinquelos ben
q[ue] non es viento
que va y ven.

Quie[n] amores ten
alla en caſtella
E ten seu amor
en dama donzella

Afinquelos ben
e non parta della
q[ue] non es viento
que va y ven.

Whoever has love
place it well
for it is not [just] the wind
that comes and goes

Whoever has love
There in Castile
And has as his love
a noble lady

Place it well
and do not stray from it
for it is not [just] the wind
that comes and goes

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