
Luis Milán

Toda mi vida os amé


El Maestro (1536), fol. H1


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Source title Este que agora se sigue es el octauo quaderno de musica para cantar y tañer que en la tabla del presente libro hos dire que hallariades. Enel qual hallareys villancicos y sonadas en Castellano y en Portugue[s]: y en Ytaliano. Las cifras coloradas es la boz que se ha de cantar porneys primero el Villancico: assi como esta en la vihuela: y sabido bie[n] tañer: seguireys las cifras coloradas mirando que cuerda de la vihuela tocan y aquella cantareys.
Title in contents  
Text incipit Toda mi vida hos amé


Category song

Genre Villancico

Fantasia type

Mode 5 or 6

Voices 4

Length (compases) 29


Tuning A

Courses 6

Final V/3

Highest I/5

Lowest VI/1

Difficulty not specified

Tempo not specified

Song Text

Language ES

Vocal notation texted cifras rojas


Villancico for vihuela and voice. The vocal part is in the tablature in red ciphers, presumably for the vihuelist to sing while accompanying himself or herself. In the rubric at the beginning of the piece, Milán states: “This [piece] which follows is the eighth fascicle of music to sing and play which in the table of cotents of the book I tell you what you will find in it. In it you will find villancicos and tunes in Castilian, Portuguese and Italian. The red ciphers are the voice to be sung. The first one is a Villancico: and knowing well how to play: you are to follow the red ciphers observing on which strong of the vihuela they are placed, and that is what to sing.” Another setting of the same text is in moraisVCR, Cancionero Musical do Bibl. Nac. de Lisboa, no IX. Morais affirms that it is different setting (p. clv)

Song Text

Toda mi vida os amé
Si me ameys yo no lo sé.

Bien sé que teneys amor
al desamor y al olvido.
Sé que soy aborecido
ya que sabe el disfavor

Y por siempre hos amaré
Si me ameys yo no lo sé.

All of my life I have loved you
If you love me I do not know.

I know well you have love
for love and for forgetfulness.
I know I am abhorrent
now that disfavor knows it.

And for always I have loved you
if you love me I do not know.

(from covey2015)

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