
Miguel de Fuenllana

Fantasía 41


Orphenica Lyra (1554), fol. 161v


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Source title Fantasia. F.
Title in contents   Fantasia quinta
Text incipit


Category abstract

Genre fantasia

Fantasia type ImP

Mode 4

Voices 4

Length (compases) 88


Tuning A =5

Courses 5

Final IV/2

Highest I/5

Lowest V/0

Difficulty easy

Tempo not specified

Song Text


Vocal notation


The fifth of Fuenllana’s Fantasias for five-course vihuela.
Polythematic, imitative fantasia of 88 compases. The work divides exactly in half, showing characteristic proportionality in its design. Broad freer treatment of texture shows sensitivity to mode 4, and allows for flexibility in performance following the characteristics of the mode.
I (1-43) Theme 1 imitated – broad theme (1-43)
II (44-60) Theme 2 imitated with entries condensing towards end
III (45-88) Theme 3 – loose imitations with much free material. Theme is a suggestive motive, derived from descend 3 of 1st theme.

A manuscript copy of this piece is in E-Mn-MP/2211/1