
Miguel de Fuenllana

¿Qué faran del pobre Juan? [Flecha]


Orphenica Lyra (1554), fol. 138v


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Source title Villancico a quatro de Flecha. D.
Title in contents   Que fara[n] del pobre Jua[n]: Flecha
Text incipit Qve faran del pobre Juan


Category intabulation

Genre villancico

Fantasia type

Mode 2

Voices 4

Length (compases) 146


Tuning G

Courses 6

Final IV/2

Highest I/7

Lowest VI/0

Difficulty not specified

Tempo not specified

Song Text

Language CA

Vocal notation texted cifras rojas


This is Fuenllana’s intabulation of a version of the four-part villancico by Mateo Flecha “el viejo”. The exact source from which it is copied is unknown.
Fuenllana’s version has variants that make it clear he could not have copied it from the same version that was published in Villancicos de diversos autores (uppsala1556). The differences between Fuenllana’s version and the surviving polyphonic version in the Cancionero de Uppsala are listed in the Gómez-Griffiths edition (flecha2013).

This villancico is a popular Catalan song with a text built on refrains. The text is of seven stanzas of four verses in which verses 2 and 4 are the refrains “de la faririfunfan” and “Lloat sia Déu”.

In setting this villancico, Fuenllana follows the customary practice of Spanish intabulators. Notes longer than a semibreve in the original note values (minim in transcription) are replaced by two notes of the same pitch: breves are reduced to two semibreves, and dotted semibreves become without fail a semibreve-minim pair. Secondly, due to the nature of tablature, the chromatic alterations (semitonía) is indicated with precision. In two instances in this piece, these result in rather extraordinary harmonic movement, but do not sound half as bad on the instrument as they look on paper. The first is the E-flat against c-sharp (bassus and altus) clash in the second half of bar 21. In this case, it is impossible on the vihuela to sustain the e-flat while the c# is being played and so the strength of the clash is lost. The second instance is the extraordinary interplay between f-natural and f-sharp in the upper voices in bars 61-62.

The vocal part indicated to be sung in this song is the bass. As this voice does not enter until bar 5, and in order to make sense of the text, Fuenllana indicates the alto voice in red figures for the first few bars, and then migrates to the bass. This means that the vocalist must use a full two octaves of range.

Song Text

Que faran del pobre Iuan
de la faririfunfan
ma muller sanes anad
lloat sea deu

aon la irema sea car
de la faririrunfan ii.
al ostal de sauain
lloat sea deu ii.

y digao lo meu bein
de la faririrunfin ii.
ma muller si la beu vist
lloat sea deu

par ma fe lo meu bein
de la faririrunfin ii.
tres jors ha qui nan la vista
lloat sea diu ii.

stanit ãmi sopa
de la faririrunfa
y en tan ses transfigurat
lloat sia diu

el se tornara a su ostal
de la faririrun fa
et trobals infans que ploreu
lloat sea deu

non ploreu les meos infans ii.
de la faririrunfa.
O mala dona reprouada: o mala dona reprouada
lloat sia diu ii.

The text above is copied literally from Fuenllana’s book. It is a very corrupt version of the Catalan original

Modern edition(s)

Gómez Muntané, Maricarmen (ed.). El Cancionero de Uppsala. 2 vols. Valencia: Biblioteca Valenciana, Generalitat Valenciana (Conselleria de Cultura i Educació - Direcció General del Llibre, Arxius i Biblioteques), 2003.

Printed source(s)

anon. Villancicos de diversos autores, a dos, y a tres, y a quatro, y a cinco bozes. Venice: Scotum, 1556.
