
Miguel de Fuenllana

Por do comenzare mi triste llanto [Pedro Guerrero]


Orphenica Lyra (1554), fol. 127


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Source title Soneto a quatro. F.
Title in contents   Por do come[n]çare mi triste lla[n]to.
Text incipit Por do començare mi triste llanto


Category intabulation

Genre villanesca

Fantasia type

Mode 2

Voices 4

Length (compases) 107


Tuning G

Courses 6

Final VI/2

Highest I/7

Lowest VI/2

Difficulty easy

Tempo not specified

Song Text

Language ES

Vocal notation texted cifras rojas


Intabulation by Pedro Guerrero of a work known from the polyphonic version in the Cancionero de Medinaceli, fols. 62-64 (no. 57) in the MS, and no 43 in Querol’s edition. Querol classifies the polyphonic version as a madrigal. It is categorised here as a villanesca, that is, a Spanish madrigal equivalent. The text is not in one of the customary poetic genres with the broader villanesca category. The text of the Fuenllana version is one line shorter than the Medinaceli version, with the second and third verses of the latter compressed into one in the version intabulated by Fuenllana. This rules out the possibility that Fuenllana based his intabulation on the Medinaceli manuscript. The music, in contrast is very largely the same as the Medinaceli version.

Fuenllana intabulates for a vihuela in G, with the bass voice notated with red ciphers to be sung. The music appears to be in mode 2, finishing on V.

Song Text

¿Por do començaré mii triste llanto,
y quel dolor y el quebranto
a mí mucha razón no cause olvido?
¡Triste yo!, ¿qué haré?, que, si bien canto,
el alma llora su bien perdIdo.
Mas tanto no podrá la gran tristura
que dexe de cantar mi desventura.

Medinaceli text:
¿Por do començaré mii triste llanto,
sin temer que el penar quite el sentido
y que la pena y el quebranto
con mucha rrazón causen olvido?
¡Triste yo!, ¿qué haré?, que, si bien canto,
el alma lleva su bien perdIdo.
Mas tanto no podrá la gran tristura
que dexe de cantar mi desventura.

Modern edition(s)

Querol Gavaldá, Miguel (ed). Cancionero Musical de la Casa de Medinaceli. 2 vols. Monumentos de la Música Española 8 & 9. Barcelona: CSIC, 1949.

Printed source(s)