
Miguel de Fuenllana

Amor far me [C. Festa]


Orphenica Lyra (1554), fol. 114


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Source title Stra[m]bote a cinco d[e] Co[n] festa. Ha de baxar la vj. vn pu[n]t[o].
Title in contents   Amor farme: de Confesta
Text incipit Amor far me


Category intabulation

Genre madrigal

Fantasia type

Mode 5 or 6

Voices 5

Length (compases) 124


Tuning G

Courses 6

Final VI/0

Highest I/5

Lowest VI/0

Difficulty not specified

Tempo not specified

Song Text

Language IT

Vocal notation texted cifras rojas


Intabulation of a five-voiced madrigal by Costanzo Festa, designated by Fuenllana as a “Strambotto”. The piece requires the sixth course to be lowered by one tone, one of a small nuber of pieces by Fuenllana that employ this scordatura. The bass voice is indicated with red ciphers. Identification of the work was made by Jacobs (jacobs1978 lxiii). The identification had not previously been made due to the corrupt literary text in Fuenllana’s edition, particularly its opening. Fuenllana omits most of the first verse. Festa’s opening couplet “Amor ben puoi hormai / farme il peggio che sai” is given by Fuenllana as “Amor farme yl peggio che say”. Jacobs corrects several of Fuenllana’s misspellings, but fails to report the larger textual omissions.

The source of the work is a Gardane miscellany of 1540 (RISM 1540/18) Le dotte et excellente composition de i madrigali a cinque voci da diversi perfettissimi musici fatti (Venice: Scotto, 1540), p. 23. It was reprinted the following year as Le dotte et excellente composition de i madrigali di Verdelot a cinque voci da diversi perfettissimi musici fatti (Venice: Scotto, 1541). The 1540 edition is available online from Google Books (accessed 5/08/2019) and the 1541 edition on Gallica (F-Pn) A transcription (by John Griffiths) of the opening of the music in the 1540 print is given below.

The significance of the text in terms of Italian courtesans is given by Flosi (flosi2006, 140)
The same text was also set by Palestrina (1st book of madrigals)

Song Text

Fuenllana’s text:
Amor farme yl peggio che say et per mio danno
vsar ogne arte ogni tua forz’ enganno che de y passat’ errori
pentita sono et de mia mal spes’ ani doglia et affani...

Festa’s text:
Amor ben puoi hormai
farme il peggio che sai
et per mio danno
vsar ogne arte
ogni tua forz’ enganno
che de i passat’ errori
pentita sono
et de mia mal spes’ anni
che m’apportaron
sol doglia et affani...

given in discussion by Flosi (flosi2006, 140)

Modern edition(s)

Festa, Costanzo. Opera Omnia. Ed. Alexander Main and Albert Seay. [Rome]: American Institute of Musicology, 1977.

Printed source(s)

Verdelot, Philippe. Le dotte et eccellente compositioni de i madrigali a cinque voci da diversi perfettissimí musici fatte. Venice: G. Scotto, 1540.
