
Miguel de Fuenllana

Fabordón 8 del octavo tono: Quoniam confortavit, del octavo tono [Guerrero]


Orphenica Lyra (1554), fol. 111


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Source title Octavo tono [Fabordón del 8º tono]
Title in contents   Fabordones de Guerrero.
Text incipit Quoniam confortavit


Category intabulation

Genre fabordón

Fantasia type

Mode 8

Voices 4

Length (compases) 44


Tuning C

Courses 6

Final V/2

Highest I/7

Lowest VI/0

Difficulty not specified

Tempo not specified

Song Text

Language LA

Vocal notation cifras rojas texted


Eighth of the series of fabordon settings by Francisco Guerrero. This one is in mode 8. Ruiz Jimenez shows that Fuenllana incorporates in this fabordon two verses from different pslams. The fitst is “Quoniam confortavit” (verse 2 of “Lauda Jerusalem”) and the second “Qui seminat in lachrimis” (verse 6 of “In convertendo”). Both verses are found in E-GRmf 975, fols. 74v-75r y 79v-80r, both anonymous, and respectively integrated in the corresponding psalms, both copied in full (verses 2, 4, 6 & 8 plus the doxology “Gloria Patri”, a 5, texted in all voices (ruiz2022). At the end of this piece Fuenllana writes:
No se pone por orden la letra que se escrive para los Fabordones : porque como los tonos son differentes assi lo es la compostura de cada vno dellos : y a esta causa se cantan diferentes versos sin guardar orden no ponerse el psalmo por entero.
(The text that is written for the Fabordones is not ordered in any way: because as the tones are different, so is the composition of each one of them: and for this reason different verses are sung without keeping order and not giving the psalm completely.)