
Miguel de Fuenllana

Fantasía 33


Orphenica Lyra (1554), fol. 104v


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Source title Aqui se pone[n] otras quarto fantasias del sexto tono: en cada vna de las quales se ha de baxar la sexta vn pu[n]to del tono en q[ue] se suele te[m]plar, y hase de entonar en octaua d[e] la quarta en vazio.
Title in contents   Fantasia decima.
Text incipit


Category abstract

Genre fantasia

Fantasia type ImP

Mode 6

Voices 4

Length (compases) 102


Tuning G

Courses 6

Final VI/0

Highest I/7

Lowest VI/0

Difficulty not specified

Tempo not specified

Song Text


Vocal notation


An imitative, polythematic fantasia. The first that uses scordatura, with the sixth course lowered one whole tone. The fantasia is of quite regular construction. Voice pairs prevail, there is conspicuous use of parallel 10ths etc, although perhaps less free material within the 102 compases.
• I (1-31) Theme 1 S/A (at 2 semibreves) >> T/B same but T modified >> K then free with suggestions of the theme head.
• II (31-47) Theme 2 S/A – T/B identical pairs
• III (45-70) Theme 3 imit shorter values in theme. Freer imit inc. 10th harmonization of theme.
• IV (71-102) Free extension in short cadentially defined phrases. The most frequently occurring motive that has been labelled as theme 4, but it doesn’t assume an important structural role.

Song Text

Modern edition(s)
Printed source(s)