
Miguel de Fuenllana

Jubilate Deo omnis terra [Morales]


Orphenica Lyra (1554), fol. 81v


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Source title En esta boz pu[n]tada no se canta mas letra q[ue] gaudeamus: poq[ue] sobre este passo esta co[m]puesto el motete. Entonase la boz co[n] la .iiij. e[n] vazio. Motete a seys de Morales. D.
Title in contents   Jubilate: de Morales segunda parte.
Text incipit Jvbilate deo omnis terra.


Category intabulation

Genre motet

Fantasia type


Voices 6

Length (compases) 250


Tuning G

Courses 6

Final VI/0

Highest I/7

Lowest VI/0

Difficulty difficult

Tempo not specified

Song Text

Language LA

Vocal notation texted cifras rojas staff notation


Intabulation of a six-voice motet by Morales that celebrates the peace between Spain and France, lauding Carlos and Francois as well as Pope Paul II who played an influential role as intermediary in reaching a treaty. Tenor 1 is notated in mensural notation, with the Bassus in red ciphers in the tablature. Re vocal model, see Anglés in Morales, Opera Omnia, II, Stevenson, Spanish Cathedral Music, and Schöner.

Song Text

Jubilate Deo omnis terra:
Cantate et exultate et psallite.
Mil plaseres acá estén, amén.
Y ansí lo digo yo,
por el niño que nació esta noche en Belén.
O gran bien, por quien se diría;
“Para mi me lo quería, madre mía”.
¿Por do veniste bien tal?
Por la Virgen preservada
la qual dixo en su llegada
al pecado original:
“Poltrón françoys, lasame andare,
soy infantina del bel maridade.”
El diablo que lo oyó, se temió,
porque no pudo creer que lo que mujer perdió
lo cobremos por mujer.
“¡Que sí puede ser,señor bachiller!”
¡O qué bonita canción!
“Mejor le fuera el mal año al tacaño,
ya un a quantos con el son de la rorororón
que es un vellaco ladrón de la rorororón.
“En la ciudad de la Gloria
do los serafines son,
en medio de todos ellos,
cayó un pícaro bailón, de la rorororón.”
El banastón me espanta
que traga con su garganta
los padres primeros.
¡O groseros!
no veys que la Virgen santa
dixo contra Lucifer:
“Non fay, el cavaller,
non fay tan vilanía,
que filola me soy de Dios de Abrán,
señor de la jerarquía.”
¡L’ánima mia!
El maldito replicó:
“¡Nunca más paporreo!”
¡Así, cuerpo de nos!
aquí veré yo cómo baylareis vos a la girigonça.
“¡Saltar y bailar con voces y grita!”
¡y vos renegar, serpiente maldita!
La virgen bendita os hará bailar a la girigonça.
Et ipsa conteret caput tuum, alleluia.

Rejoice in the Lord, all the earth:
sing and exult and play the cithara.
Let there be a thousand pleasures, Amen.
Yes, but I tell you, because of
the baby that is born tonight in Bethlehem.
O great good, through whom one may say:
“He wanted it for me, Mother”.
Where did such good come from?
Through the protected Virgin
who, when she was born,
said to oritginal sin”
“French fool, let me go,
for I am child of a good marriage.”
The devil, who heard it, was afraid, for he could not believe that that which a woman had lost
we could recover through a woman.
“O yes it could, Mr Wiseguy!”
Oh what a good song!
“The bad year was better for the crafty one,
how one and all are with him, tra la la.
for he is the hairy thief of the tra la la
In the city of glory
where the Seraphim reside
in the midst of them all
landed a wicked one, dancing the tra la la.
The glutton terrified me,
for down his throat he swallowed
our founding parents.
O rude fools!
Don’t you see that the Holy Virgin
said to Lucifer:
“Don’t do it, knight,
don’t do such villainy!
for I am the daughter of the God of Abraham, father of the race.”
“O my soul!”
The cursed one replied:
“Never again will I gobble them up!”
So, by my body!
Now I shall see how you dance the girigonça
“Leap and dance with screams and shouts!”
And you give up cursed serpent, for the
Holy Virgin will now have us dance the girigonza.
And she will bruise your head, Alleluia

Modern edition(s)

Morales, Cristóbal de. Opera omnia. Ed. Higinio Angles. Monumentos de la música española 11, 13, 15, 17, 20, 21, 24, 34 etc. Barcelona and Rome: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Delegación de Roma, 1952-

Flecha, Mateo. Las Ensaiadas (Praga 1581). Ed. Higinio Anglés. Barcelona: Diputación Provincial de Barcelona, Biblioteca Central, 1954.

Printed source(s)

Moderne, Jacques (ed). Quintus liber mottetorum ad quinque, et sex, et septem vocum. Lyon: J. Moderne, 1542.

Scotto, Girolamo (ed). Il primo libro de motetti a sei voce, da diversi eccellentissimi musici composti, et non piu stampati nobvamente poste in luce, et con somma diligentia coretti. Venezia: G. Scotto, 1549.


E-Mb Ms R. 6832 (862) [olim: Biblioteca de la Casa del Duque de Medinaceli, MS 607]