
Fabrizio Dentice

Fantasía de Fabricio. Excelente a 4


Ramillete de flores (E-Mn 6001), fol. 263v-266v


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Source title Fantasia de fabricio Excelente a 4
Title in contents   una fantasía para la vihuela de fabrizio. 268
Text incipit


Category abstract

Genre fantasia

Fantasia type ImP

Mode 1

Voices 4

Length (compases) 240


Tuning G

Courses 6

Final VI/0

Highest I/12

Lowest VI/0

Difficulty not specified

Tempo not specified

Song Text


Vocal notation


This is the only work in tablature by Fabrizio Dentice preserved in Spain. The Neapolitan nobleman lutenist visited Spain in the mid-sixteenth centuty. Some of his vocal works are preserved in Valladolid, and there is an eye-witness account of him playing the lute in Barcelona. The work in this source is closely identifiable with other lute fantasias by him preserved in the Barbarino and Siena lute books. A guitar transcription is given in reypR, whereas hinojosaR provides only a diplomatic facsimile of the tablature. A polyphonic transcription on two staves is in griffithsN. This is one of the best preserved of all of Dentice’s lute compositions and is an extraordinary work.

Magnificent long fantasia of 240 compases, in a style significantly different to other Vihuela compositions.
Author: Unknown, but either Spanish or Italian, second half of sixteen century, possible quite late. I dispute Rey’s attribution to Fillimarino. The author is obviously quite brilliant.

The Work on the same scale as da Rippe, Fuenllana, or even Dowland. Breadth of style. Work is based on traditional orthodox fantasia principles, but stylistically different through different harmonic approach, suspensions etc, (major / minor shifts) – These factors point to latter part of century.

Analysis: Sectionalization in this case is determined by new beginning rather than continuous identity through sections. This is the free discursive native of the work. Very idiomatic ideas are freely entwined with polyphonic procedures. Summary:
I (1-47) Theme 1 A/S – T – B then S extern (1b) 21 ff.
43-47 bridge to contrasting section in opposed mood and mode. Minor >> major.
II (47-65) Short theme 2 notes – descend 3.
III (65-93) Back to minor. Theme head. Melifluous ascend ½ tone with much free deveolopment.
IV (93-148) Continuation of III, begun by variant of 3. Free, discursive several subsections of varied character.
V (148-166) Theme 4 single expo.
VI (166-201) Theme 2 again treated as previously, then extended triumphally as 2b in I-II/IV-V-I progression with coda following climax on 1b.
VII (201-240) 4b (changed 1st interval) expo. >> 2b >> 4b+2b welded, intensified to K.