
Esteban Daza

Je prens en gre [Clemens non Papa]


El Parnaso (1576), fol. 112


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Source title Otra Cancion Francesa a quatro, señalase la claue de fefaut en la quatra en vazio.
Title in contents   Je prens en gre.
Text incipit Je prens en gre


Category intabulation

Genre chanson

Fantasia type

Mode 5

Voices 4

Length (compases) 111


Tuning G

Courses 6

Final IV/0

Highest I/5

Lowest VI/3

Difficulty not specified

Tempo not specified

Song Text


Vocal notation


Literal transcription with ornamented cadences of a chanson by Clemens non Papa. The authorship of this piece is sometimes mistakenly attributed to Crecquillon on the basis of his Missa Je prens en gre, but most scholarly opinion points to Jacobus Clemens non Papa as being the composer. This work was popular among 16th-century instrumentalists. It was arranged for keyboard by Venegas de Henestrosa (angles1944, 197-198) and Cabezón (fol. 70v and 72v, the latter being a glosa by Hernando de Cabezón).

Song Text

Modern edition(s)

Maldeghem, R. J. van. Tresor musical: collection authentique de musique sacree & profane des anciens maitres belges. / recueillie et transcrite en notation moderne par R.J. van Maldeghem. Vaduz, Liechtenstein,1865-1876; rpt New York: Kraus Reprint, 1965.

Clemens non Papa, Jacobus. Opera Omnia. Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae 4. 21 vols. Ed. Karel Philippus Bernet Kempers. [Rome]: American Institute of Musicology, 1951-1976

Printed source(s)

Attaingnant, Pierre. Tiers livre contenant xxviii. chansons esleves pour les meilleures et plus frequentes es cours des princes. Paris: Pierre Attaingnant, 1550.

Susato, Tilman. Premier livre des Chancons a quatre parties auquel sont contenues trente et une nouvelles Chancons, convenables Tant a la Voix comme aux instrumentz. Antwerp: Susato, 1543.
