
Esteban Daza

Quien te hizo Juan pastor


El Parnaso (1576), fol. 107v


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Source title Villancico a quatro, y señalase con vnos puntillos la voz del tiple.
Title in contents   Quien te hizo Juan pastor.
Text incipit Quien te hizo Juan pastor


Category intabulation

Genre villancico

Fantasia type

Mode 1 or 2

Voices 4

Length (compases) 40


Tuning A

Courses 6

Final IV/2

Highest I/5

Lowest V/0

Difficulty not specified

Tempo not specified

Song Text

Language ES

Vocal notation texted puntillos


Unidentified four voice villancico intabulated by Daza. While several settings of the same text (or variant) survive, this version has surviving concordances.

Related texts with different music are found in the Cancionero Musical de Palacio (ed. Barbieri 1890, nº 360; Anglés 1941, nº 189) by Badajoz, and in the Cancionero de Medinaceli (Querol 1949, nº 10: “¿Qué se hizo, Juan tu placer?” are both settings to different music. Tiple 2 of the Medinaceli version is also found in E:M Galdiano, Ref 15411, sign. 648, tiple only, fol. 20v "Que te hizo hermano Juan" where it is attributed to Gante. A further version is found in Morais 1986, Villancetes, canciones e romances do S XVI, No 54. Relationship to the other versions has not been unconfirmed, but Morais affirms that it is different to CMP version (p.cxxvi). Another version (tiple only ) in the same MS, No 4.

Salazar, Música en Cervantes (salazar1961-2, 200-201), makes cryptic comments that need to be checked. It seems that this villancico was specified to be sung in one of the Diana plays, either by Gil Polo or Jorge Montemayor, probably the latter because he mentions the year 1563. Salazar states that “Silvano sings the ‘villancico pastoril antiguo’: Quien te fizo, Juan, pastor... presented as a ‘diálogo para cantar’ by Lucas Fernández; in three voices by Badajoz...” He adds that Montemayor also glosses this villancico in his Cancionero de Zaragoza (1561). In the Diana play, Silvano changes the opening verse for oportunistic reasons changing it to: “Di, ¿quién te ha hecho pastora / sin gasajo y sin placer,/ que tú alegre solías ser?... Salazar is misleading in linking the Lucas Fernández “Diálogo” to the version by Badajoz. Fernández only specifies that his poem of 154 verses in seven-verse stanzas be sung to the “tono de Quien te hizo, Juan pastor?” (chase1939, 196-7) Pedrell (1897) and Prat (1934) also mention the relationship between "¿Quién te hizo, juan pastor? and the sung dialogue of Lucas Fernández.

Song Text

¿Quién te hizo Juan pastor
sin gasajo y sin plazer?
Que tú alegre solías ser

Solías con tus cantares
el mal ajeno alegrar
y agora causas pesares
a quien te quiere escuchar.

Ya yo perdí el tañer,
Que yo alegre solía ser.

What has become of you shepherd John
without abandon, without pleasure,
you who were always so joyful

With your songs
you turned pain to joy
but now you bring sorrow
to all who hear you.

And even I have lost the urge to make music,
I, who were ever joyful.

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