
Esteban Daza

Prado verde y florido [Guerrero]


El Parnaso (1576), fol. 83


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Source title Siguense ciertas Villanescas a quatro, y en esta primera que es de Francisco Guerrero señalase la claue de fefaut tercera en tercero traste, y va señalada con vnos puntillos la voz del tiple.
Title in contents   Prado verde, y florido, a quatro, de Guerrero.
Text incipit Prado verde y florido


Category intabulation

Genre villanesca

Fantasia type

Mode 5

Voices 4

Length (compases) 77


Tuning C

Courses 6

Final V/0

Highest I/5

Lowest VI/0

Difficulty not specified

Tempo not specified

Song Text

Language ES

Vocal notation texted puntillos


Intabulated vocal work designated Villanesca by Daza, setting an anonymous poem. It is a literal intabulation of the model. Daza’s setting has two stanzas of text, the second being set to the same music, that is, with both stanzas underlaid beneath the same tablature. The four-part polyphonic version is found in the Cancionero de Medinaceli, no 44. A separate setting of the second stanza “El fresco y manso viento” is also found in the Medinaceli manuscript, no 95, but a different setting. The tiple part of “Prado verde” (both partes) es in Galdiano Ref 15411, sign. 648, tiple only, fol. 21v.

Guerrero adapted the text as a religious piece for his “Canciones y Villancescas espirituales” (1589) as “Pan divino y gracioso” ( MME19 = vol.2, No. 43, p. 31). The music is also found in MS 19 from the Cathedral of Puebla, Mexico, fol. 141 with a modified text beginning “Prado ameno y florido”. Anglés1948 refers to an anonymous different setting of the same text for four voices in Valladolid, MS 17, fol 18v, and a 6-voice setting on fol. 161v. This reference might be to MS 255 and not MS 17

Song Text

Prado verde y florido, fuente clara,
alegres arboledas y sonbrías;
pues veis las penas mías cada ora,
contaldas blandamente e mi pastora,
que si comigo es dura,
quiçás la ablandará vuestra frescura.

El fresco y manso viento que os alegra
está de mis suspiros inflamado,
y pues os a dañado asta agora,
pedid vuestro remedio a mi pastora,
que si comigo es dura,
quiçás la ablandará vuestra frescura.

Green and flowery meadow, clear fountain,
Happy and shady groves,
Since you see my ever present sorrows
Tell them softly to my shepherdess
for if she is harsh towards ne,
perhaps your coolness will assuage her.

The cool and gentle breeze which cheers you
is inflamed with my sighs,
and since till now it has harmed you,
ask my shepherdess for your remedy,
she is harsh towards me,
perhaps your coolness will assuage her.

Modern edition(s)

Guerrero, Francisco Canciones y Villanescas Espirituales, (Venecia,1589). Ed Vicente García and Miguel Querol Gavaldá. Monumentos de la Música Española 16, 19. Barcelona: CSIC, 1955; rpt 1982.

Querol Gavaldá, Miguel (ed). Cancionero Musical de la Casa de Medinaceli. 2 vols. Monumentos de la Música Española 8 & 9. Barcelona: CSIC, 1949.

Printed source(s)

E-Mb Ms R. 6832 (862) [olim: Biblioteca de la Casa del Duque de Medinaceli, MS 607]

[Madrid] Museo Lázaro Galdiano (E:M Galdiano) sign. 681, Ref 15411, tiple only