
Esteban Daza

Ay mudo soy hablar no puedo [Ordoñez]


El Parnaso (1576), fol. 75


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Source title Soneto a quatro de Pedro Ordonez, señalase la claue de C solfaut tercera en tercero traste, y seálase la voz del tiple co[n] vnos puntillos.
Title in contents   Ay, mudo soy, hablar no puedo, a quatro.
Text incipit Ay mudo soy hablar no puedo


Category intabulation

Genre villanesca

Fantasia type

Mode 1 or 2

Voices 4

Length (compases) 120


Tuning G

Courses 6

Final VI/0

Highest I/7

Lowest VI/0

Difficulty not specified

Tempo not specified

Song Text

Language ES

Vocal notation texted puntillos


Daza’s intabulation is the unique source of this composition by Pedro Ordóñez. Daza’s intabulation is by all appearances, likely to be a literal intabulation of the original polyphony. The text is a sonnet of unknown authorship in the neo-Petrarchan style. The music is through composed. Daza includes this piece among his “villanescas” although this term is not used universally by Spanish musicians. It is in the style of an Italian madrigal and some writers such as Restrepo would see it in this way. Probably the name is related to the Neapolitan “villanella” and may have been a Neaplolitan term for madrigal.

Song Text

Ay, mudo soy, hablar no puedo,
duelo por hablar lo que he sentido,
señora si me fuese concedido
estando padeciendo cada credo!
Dices me que no te hable, mas he miedo
en tan grande silencio ser perdido,
licencia mi señora yo te pido
y entonces de mi boca alçaré el dedo.
Dichosa fue mi suerte y desdichada,
Agora que ni hablarte ni servirte
no puedo pues que tú me lo has mandado.
Reyna, que tirana, no osé dezirte
aunque mis días has tiranizado.
Mando oir pues que muero por quererte.

Alas, dumb I am, unable to speak,
I suffer to tell what I have felt,
my lady, if it were permitted to me,
suffering as I am at every moment.
You forbid me to speak to you,but I fear
my perdition in such great a silence.
My lady, I beg leave of you,
and then I will lift the finger from my lips.
Happy was my fate and yet unhappy
now that I may neither speak nor serve you
since thus you have commanded me.
Queen, to whom as tyrant I dared not speak,
although you have tyrannised my life,
I command you to hear that I am dying for love of you.

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