
Esteban Daza

Tulerunt ergo fratres [Boyleau]


El Parnaso (1576), fol. 66v


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Source title Otro Motete a quatro del mismo Autor, que es segunda parte de vno que dize, Videns Jacob, va señalado el bajo con unos puntillos, y señalase la claue de C solfaut en la segunda en primer traste.
Title in contents   Tulerunt ergo fratres, del mesmo, a quatro.
Text incipit Tulerunt ergo fratres


Category intabulation

Genre motet

Fantasia type

Mode 4

Voices 4

Length (compases) 143


Tuning E

Courses 6

Final VI/0*

Highest I/8

Lowest VI/0

Difficulty not specified

Tempo not specified

Song Text

Language LA

Vocal notation texted puntillos


“Tulerunt ergo fratres” is another motet from Simon Boyleau’s first book of 1544. The motet intabulated here is the 2a pars of “Videns Jacob” The text is paraphrased from the Old Testament, Genesis 37: 31-33:
[31] Tulerunt autem tunicam ejus, et in sanguine haedi, quem occiderant, tinxerunt :
[32] mittentes qui ferrent ad patrem, et dicerent : Hanc invenimus : vide utrum tunica filii tui sit, an non.
[33] Quam cum agnovisset pater, ait : Tunica filii mei est : fera pessima comedit eum, bestia devoravit Joseph. ... 

Song Text

Tulerunt ergo fratres eius fratres eius tunicam illius mittentes ad patrem quam cum cognovisset pater ait fera pessima devoravit filium meum Joseph.

They took away, therefore, brethren, and his brethren, and his coat and sent it to his father, and he knew it, and said, 'A wild beast has devoured my son Joseph.

Modern edition(s)

Boyleau, Simon. Motetta: quatuor vocem (1544). Edited by Sally Watt. Melbourne: Lyrebird Press, 2009.

Printed source(s)

Boyleau, Simon. Motetta in quatuor vocem nunquam hactenus impressa…. Venice: Scotto, 1544.
