
Esteban Daza

O beata Maria - Accipe quod offerimus [Pedro Guerrero]


El Parnaso (1576), fol. 45v


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Source title Otro Motete de Pedro Guerrero a quatro, señalase la claue de C solfaut en la quarta en segu[n]do traste, y cantase la voz del tiple, y va señalada con vnos puntillos.
Title in contents   O beata Maria, a quatro, de Pedro Guerrero.
Text incipit O beata Maria


Category intabulation

Genre motet

Fantasia type

Mode 8

Voices 4

Length (compases) 212


Tuning C

Courses 6

Final VI/0

Highest I/7

Lowest VI/0

Difficulty not specified

Tempo not specified

Song Text

Language LA

Vocal notation texted puntillos


Intabulation of a motet by Pedro Guerrero, setting both parts “O beata Maria” and 2a pars “Accipe quod offerimus”. The text a prayer to the Virgin used at different times in the liturgical calendar, especially the Annunciation. It is drawn from a sermon written by Bishop Fulbert of Chartres (ca 951-ca 1029), [Sermo IX, De Annuntiatione Dominica]. The prayer is sometimes attributed to St. Augustine [see, for example:] EitnerQ gives Toledo among the location of sources of this piece.
Pedro Guerrero was well known during the sixteenth century. Galilei includes four works by him in Fronimo, and further works were intabulated by Fuenllana. The modern edition by Elustiza (elustiza1933) only transcribes the prima pars.
The source most closely connected with Valladolid is the Diego Sánchez Codex, which dates from considerably later (1616). There appears little possibity of filiation between the two sources, or a common ancestor. In the following comparison of the Daza setting with the version in the Diego Sánchez Codex (DSC), bars 1-20.

Bar. Voice Difference
5.3 A DA = g’; DSC = d’
6.3 A DA = f# (ficta)
7.1 D DA = d; DSC = b
7.3-4 S DA= M; DSC = 2 Sm: c-d
9.3-4 T DA= M; DSC = dotted Sm+f: e-d
10.1 A DA= Sm b; DSC= ff: b-g
13.1 T DA= g; DSC= note tied from previous bar (=dissonance)
15.1 T DA= Sm d; DSC = rest
17.2 S DA= II/3 (b-flat), corrected by hand, should be II/2
18.1 B DA= 2xfu g-f; DSC= Sm g
19.2-3 A DA= g’-g’; DSC = c”-c”

Song Text

O beata Maria spes unica peccatorum per te speramus
veniam delictorum in te beatissima est expectacio nostrorum premiorum. Accipe quod offerimus redona quod rogamus excusa quod timemus
quia tu es spes unica peccatorum.

O blessed Mary only hope for you is/ our hope of reward./ Accept that which we offer, grant what we beg, forgive that/ which we fear, for you are the only hope for sinners./ (incomplete; not corrected)

Modern edition(s)

Elústiza, Juan B. de y Gonzalo Castrillo Hernández (eds). Antología musical, siglo de oro de la música litúrgica en España. Polifonía vocal siglos XV y XVI. Barcelona: [R. Casulleras], 1933.

Printed source(s)

Diego Sánchez Codex. Valladolid, Paroquia de Santiago, without call number, (1616).

[Tarazona] Tarazona, Archivo Capitular de la Catedral, Ms. 8