
Esteban Daza

Dum deambularet dominus [Crecquillon]


El Parnaso (1576), fol. 38


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Source title Otro Motete a q[ua]tro de Crequillon, señalase la claue de C solfaut tercera en primer traste, y se ca[n]ta la voz del co[n]trabajo q[ue] va señalada co[n] vnos puntillos.
Title in contents   Dum deambularet dominus, a quatro, del mesmo.
Text incipit Dum deambularet dominus


Category intabulation

Genre motet

Fantasia type

Mode 1(?)

Voices 4

Length (compases) 279


Tuning A

Courses 6

Final VI/0

Highest I/10

Lowest VI/0

Difficulty not specified

Tempo not specified

Song Text

Language LA

Vocal notation texted puntillos


Daza’s setting of Dum deambularet dominus includes the secunda 2a pars Vocem tuam audivi (fol.40v ). The text is biblical from Genesis 3: 8-10, used as the first Responsory and Versicle at Matins on Monday after Septuagesima Sunday.

The opening text in some sources “Cum deambularet” (inc. the modern edition by Lowen Marshall [crequHLM] ), although both the Iberian sources from Tarazona and Coimbra give the same spelling as in Daza. Of the printed sources given by Lowen Marshall, Daza's version accords most closely with the 1551 print (Paris: N. du Chemin.), although only the Altus and Bassus books of this print are extant. The only available Spanish source, Tarazona MS 8, closely resembles Daza's version and has the same variant ending. The work is also given in full score, presumably for keyboard, in Coimbra M.M.242, No.37, fols.41-42v.
• 1564/4 . Complete copies in Bayerische Staatsbibl. and London BL. • Daza's intabulation differs from that in the Lowen Marshall edition.(Include a table) •

The mode of the piece is difficult to classify with exactitude. It seems to be mode 1, although both partes end on A.

Song Text

Dum deambularet Dominus
ad auram post meridiem,
clamavit et dixit: Adam ubi es?
Vocem tuam audivi in paradiso,
et timui, eo qu`od nudus essem.
Et abscondi me.

While the Lord God walked in the cool of the evening, He cried/ out and said: "Adam, where are you?"/ I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid/ because I was naked; and I hid myself.

Modern edition(s)

Crecquillon, Thomas, The four-voice motets of Thomas Crequillon. Ed. H. Lowen Marshall. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Institute of Medieval Music, 1970-71.

Printed source(s)

RISM 1564/4 (Brownl erroneously? gives it as 1564/5) [needs checking and confirming]


[Tarazona] Tarazona, Archivo Capitular de la Catedral, Ms. 8

P-Cug MS M242 Coimbra, Biblioteca Geral da Universidade, MS M242.