
Enríquez de Valderrábano

Soneto 16: Lo que queda es lo seguro [Escobar]


Silva de sirenas (1547), fol. 93 (1)


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Source title Soneto a sonada de lo q[ue] q[ue]da es lo seguro. Primero grado.
Title in contents   Soneto a sonada de lo que queda en lo seguro en en el primero grado.
Text incipit


Category intabulation


Fantasia type

Mode 7

Voices 3

Length (compases) 23


Tuning G

Courses 6

Final VI/0

Highest I/5

Lowest VI/0

Difficulty easy

Tempo medium

Song Text


Vocal notation


The upper melody of this piece corresponds closely to the melody of the estribillo of the villancico by the Portuguese composer Escobar in CMP, Cancionero de Elvas, and CMBL. The text is by Garci Sánchez de Badajoz. Additional copies of the polyphony: Cancionero Musical do Bibl. Nac. de Lisboa (ed Morais) Vilancetes, Cantigas… No XX. It is the same melody as the CMP (with minor variation) setting by Pedro de Escobar (p. clxvi-clxvii) Pujol numbers the work as Soneto XXII (pujol1965).