
Alonso Mudarra

Respice in me, Deus (= Je ne me puis tenir d’aimer) [Josquin]


Tres libros de música en cifra (1546), fol. III/4


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Source title
Title in contents   Respice in me deus de Gomberth.
Text incipit Respice in me deus


Category intabulation

Genre motet

Fantasia type

Mode 1?

Voices 5

Length (compases) 154


Tuning F#

Courses 6

Final VI/3

Highest I/8

Lowest VI/1

Difficulty not specified

Tempo medium

Song Text

Language LA

Vocal notation puntillos texted


This is a contrafactum setting of Josquin’s five voice chanson Je ne me puis tenir d’aimer (Josquin, Wereldlijke Werken, no 31), NJE 29.11. Mudarra’s is the only version of the piece with the “Respice in Me” text, derived from the Introit for 3rd Sunday after Penecost. The same music is found in Fuenllana with the text Lauda Sion.(Fu061) and also attributed to Gombert. A polyphonic setting of this Lauda Sion is found in Archivo Falla 975. For the stemma, sources and a transcription of the chanson (see blackburn1976; Jacobs1982, 204, nº57. Jacobs gives another version with the same music. Mudarra’s version is virtually identical to the vocal model (roa2015) which is reprinted in vol. 29 of the New Josquin Edition and in the Smijers edition as Wereldlijke Werken, Bundel III (Amsterdam, 1925), No. 31. Roa reports there is a 4-part version of the piece in Odhecaton C, with the same text but different music (roa2015). A complete list of sources is on DIAMM:

Mudarra and Fuenllana both independently attribute the music to Gombert, perhaps because of the five voices. In Mudarra’s version the second tenor (quinta vox) is the texted voice.

Song Text

Mudarra’s Latin text:

Respice in me, et miserere mei,
quia vnicus et pauper sum.
Tribulationes cordis mei multiplicate sunt;
de necessitatibus meis erue me
et vide humilitatem meam et laborem meum,
et dimittc vniuersa delicta mea.
Respice inimicos meos
quoniam multiplicati sunt et oderunt me:
custodi animam meam et erue me;
non erubescam quoniam speraui in te.

French text:
Je ne me puis tenir d'aimer
celle qui point ne m'aime.
Je me doibz bien desconforter
car j'é perdu ma peine.
Ma dame souveraine,
recepvez vostr'amy
par vostre bonté pleine
ou mort est a demy.

Modern edition(s)

des Prez, Josquin. Werken van Josquin De Prés. Ed. A. Smijers. Amsterdam: Vereeniging voor Nederlandsche Muziekgeschiedenis, 1922-1969.

des Prez, Josquin. New Josquin Edition. Ed. W. Elders, et al. Utrecht: Vereniging voor Nederlandse Museikgeschiedenis, 1987.

Printed source(s)

Attaingnant, Pierre. Trente sixiesme livre contenant xxx. chansons tres musicales, à quatre, cinq & six parties, en cinq livres, dont le cinquiesme livre contient les cinquiesmes & sixiesmes parties... le tout de la composition de feu Josquin des Prez. Tres correctement imprimees par Pierre Attaingnant ... 14 Martii 1549. Paris: Attaingnant, 1549.
