Libro de Musica de Vihuela, intitulado Silva de sirenas, en el qual se hallara toda diuersidad de musica, Compuesto por Enrriqz de Valderrauano, Dirigido al Illustrisimo señor don Francisco de Çuñiga Conde de Miranda, Señor de las casas de Auellaneda y Baçan, &c. Valladolid: Francisco Fernández de Córdoba, 1547.
Previous NextPublication type | Year | ISBN/ISSN | Bibliog code |
Book | 1547 | valderrabano1547 |
• A-Wn, excellent copy, with added MS pieces at the end by hand, shelf no: S.A.76.A.15
• E-Bu (bound together with Santa María, Arte de tañer), formerly from the Convento de Santa Catalina de Alejandría in Barcelona.
• E-Mn R 14018 excellent copy, with some piece from Fuenllana’s Orphenica Lyra copied in by hand at the end. From Barbieri’s collection
• E-Mn R 9282 complete but somewhat deteriorated, from the collection of Fernando José de Velasco. This copy in the library of Felipe IV in 1637 with signature cc-13 (delgado2018, 1199)
• E-Zac (missing some pages at the end), This was not cited by Pujol but he includes it on the advice of musicologist Arcadio de Larrea.
• GB-Lbl (K.8.c.I, perfect condition),
• F-Pc. Reported in pujol1965, I 11, but not confirmed, reiterated in BrownI
• I-MOe, 103 fols. Call no. MUS.D.0523. Italian OPAC identifier IT\ICCU\MUS\0097602
• US-NYhs (imperfect).
Other copies reportedly in: NL-DHgm, P-Pm, US-Cm.
Several references to a copy in Valencia cathedral (E-VAc) are probably erroneous references, confused with the Zaragoza copy.
16th-century owners:
Pedro de Zúñiga y Sotomayor (nobleman from Seville, 1570) see doc D0109 (2 copies)
Instrument VIHUELA
Century 16CENT
Region SPAIN
Music genre
Research field
Enríquez de Valderrábano, Fernando |
Enríquez de Valderrábano, Silva de sirenas. |