
D-ROu Mus. Saec. XVI-40 (1) no.19 f.

Rostock, Universitätsbibliothek, MS XVI-40 (1) no.19 f.

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Mensural manuscript 1558ca D-ROuMus40

From DIAMM inventory, quoted from Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550 5 vols., Renaissance Manuscript Studies (Neuhausen-Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology, Hänssler Verlag, 1979-1988) Vol. 3, p. 121
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1 plenary Mass, 17 Masses, 2 Kyrie-Gloria pairs, 1 German Credo = 21
Baston-1, Clemens non Papa-4, Crecquillon-S, (Gascongne)-1, Hähnel [Galliculus]-1, Josquin-1, Josquin/(La Rue)-1, Josquin/ (Moulu)-1, Kellner-1, Lupus-1, Morales-4, Moulu-1, Walter-1
5 paper partbooks (D-89 folios, A-102, T-95, B-92, Q-30), 155-60 x 205-10. No foliation, pagination, or numbering of pieces. Modern pasteboard covers. No index. Copied by a single scribe, who also wrote RosU 35, 46, 60, 71/1, 71/3, 71/5, and portions of RosU 71/2 and 71/4. Small inked initials, a few in calligraphic style. Watermarks: (1) bull's head on shield (not in Briquet); (2) resembles Briquet #15138.
Second half of 16th century (date [15]58 in manuscript). Probably copied in Rostock. acc. 10/11/15




Century 16CENT



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Research field MUSIC