
D-Mbs Mus. MS 19

Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Mus. MS 19 [olim: H.C. 27; MaiM 43].

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Mensural manuscript 1530ca D-MbsMus19

From DIAMM inventory, quoted from Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550 5 vols., Renaissance Manuscript Studies (Neuhausen-Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology, Hänssler Verlag, 1979-1988) Vol. 2, p. 192
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2 Masses (1 with Proper and Ordinary sections), 2 hymns, 17 motets = 21
Gombert-2, (Isaac?)-1, Josquin-3, Senfl-6 + 7?, Willaert-1, anon-1
173 paper folios, 510 x 370. Modern pencil foliation, 1-173, by J. J. Maier (some folios lack numbers, but all included in enumeration). Original numbering of pieces, 1-13, groups some motets under one number. Ff. 1, 9'-10, 25'-26, 37'-38, 57'-58, 63'-64, 77'-78, 86'-87, 91'-92, 96'-97, 106'-107, 127'-128, 146'-147, and 173' blank except for piece numbers and titles. Original covers of white leather over boards, stamped with ornamental designs; binding and covers probably the work of Kaspar Schinnagl (BenteNW). No index.
Earliest layer (ff. 78'-91, 97'-120, 147'-173) copied by one or two scribes, whose hands also appear in MunBS 35-8 (BenteNW); ff. 1'-77, 92'-96, and 120'-146 probably copied by Lucas Wagenrieder (see general index for other manuscripts copied by the same scribe). No initials or decoration. No watermark in earliest layer; watermark on remaining folios is coat of arms of city of Kaufbeuren (generally resembles Briquet # 1008ff).
Before 1531 (earliest layer); ca. 1531-40 (remainder of manuscript) (BenteNW). Copied in Munich, for use by the court chapel of Wilhelm IV, Duke of Bavaria (1493-1550). Kept in Hofkapelle library until end of 18th century, then transferred to ducal court library, whose holdings formed foundation of present Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. acc. 10/11/15.




Century 16CENT



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Research field MUSIC