
Mex-Pc 19

Puebla, Catedral, Manuscrito 19.

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Mensural manuscript 1650ca. Mex-Pc19

Archivo de Musica Sacra de la Catedral [MEX-Pc], Mexico , Puebla , cathedral.

From DIAMM inventory, quoted from Census Catalogue Description:
FromCensus-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550 5 vols., Renaissance Manuscript Studies (Neuhausen-Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology, Hänssler Verlag, 1979-1988) Vol. 3, p. 71 and Vol. 4, p. 469

1 Mass Ordinary section, 10 psalms (9 without text), 1 set of short textless psalm formulas, 9 hymns, 9 motets (1 without text), 1 Gloria patri, 1 Spanish sacred piece, 11 Spanish secular pieces, 3 French secular pieces (without text), 3 Italian secular pieces (with text incipits only), 17 textless pieces (1 fragmentary) = 66
R. Ceballos-4, Crecquillon-1, Dávila-2, Franco-3, Guerrero-22, (P. Guerrero)-1, Janequin-1, Lassus [Orlando]-4, Lassus/(Crecquillon)-1, Ginés Martines-1, Navarro of Seville-1, Rimonte-4, Rogier [Phelipe Rocher]-8, Wreede-1, anon-12
129 paper folios, size unknown. Original ink foliation, 27-151 (first two and last two folios not numbered; 25 original folios now missing between second folio and f. 27). Original covers of leather over boards. Original index (fragmentary) on recto of first folio lists pieces in order of appearance; some pieces listed in index now missing due to lost folios. Copied by one main scribe, with a few additions by two different but apparently contemporary hands. No initials; titles, voice designations, and attributions decorated with ornamental scroll designs.
First half of 17th century. Copied in Puebla, for use by cathedral choir.

[ acc. 07/11/15]




Century 17CENT



Music genre

Research field GENERAL, MUSIC