
E-Mb 6829 (861),

Cancionero de Medinaceli, [olim: MS 13230]

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Publication type Year ISBN/ISSN Bibliog code
Mensural manuscript E-Mb6829

from DIAMM (16/05/2013)
Location: Private Library of Don Bartolomé March Servera [E-Mb]
Shelfmark: MS R. 6829 (861) [olim: Biblioteca de la Casa del Duque de Medinaceli, MS 13230]
Date: 16th century
Description: Census Catalogue Description:
From Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550 5 vols., Renaissance Manuscript Studies (Neuhausen-Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology, Hänssler Verlag, 1979-1988) Vol. 2, p. 131 and Vol. 4, p. 436. This information is reproduced here by kind permission of the publishers.

2 K-G-S-A Masses, 1 K-S-A Mass, 1 troped Kyrie, 1 Credo, 1 Credo section, 4 Magnificats, 23 psalms, 5 office hymns, I processional hymn, 3 Lamentations, 1 Passion, 29 motets, 2 sets of responses, 100 Spanish sacred and secular pieces, 1 textless piece = 175 + 1 duplicate = 176
Bernal González-4, A. Cabezón-1, R. Ceballos-5, R. Ceballos-Varrio Nuevo-1, Cebrián-3, Chacón-2, Juan Díaz-1, Escobedo-1, Farfán-1, Garçon-7, Gerónimo-1, Gombert-1, Guerrero-13, P. Guerrero-3, (Lassus)-1, Morales-18, Morata-13, Navarro of Seville-7, Navarro of Seville-anon-1, Ortega-1, Rore? [Ziprianus] -6,* Sanforte-1, anon-83
*See RoreO (VIII, xi) for discussion of Rore's possible authorship of these pieces.
208 paper folios, 307 x 215. First original folio now missing. Two systems of old foliation, one added after index was made up and additions to and deletions from original corpus had been made. Original covers of leather on cardboard; modern protective slipcase. Original index (some listed pieces no longer in manuscript; some pieces now in manuscript not listed in index; present folio numbers for many pieces not same as those in index). Copied by one main scribe and two or three additional scribes.
Second half of 16th century. Copied in Spain. Possibly of monastic origin (RandS); partially illegible inscription suggests ownership by a monastery at Jerez. Later owned by Luis Jesús Fernández de Cordoba y Salabert, 17th Duke of Medinaceli (1880-1956); may have belonged to Medinaceli family from an early period. Acquired (in 1960's?) by the lawyer and financier Bartolomé March Servera of Madrid.




Century 16CENT

Region SPAIN



Research field MUSIC

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