
E-Mb Ms R. 6832 (862)

[olim: Biblioteca de la Casa del Duque de Medinaceli, MS 607]

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Mensural manuscript E-Mb6832

Archive: Private Library of Don Bartolomé March Servera [E-Mb]; Shelfmark:

From Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550 5 vols., Renaissance Manuscript Studies (Neuhausen-Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology, Hänssler Verlag, 1979-1988) Vol. 2, p. 132 and Vol. 4, p. 436:

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22 Masses, 1 Requiem Mass, 18 Magnificats, 1 Te Deum, 4 hymns, 25 motets, 11 Spanish secular pieces = 82
Basurto-1, Carreira-1, (Flécha)-3, Gombert-1, Gombert/(C. Festa)-1, Guerrero-2, F. Layolle-1, Andreas López-3, Morales-37, Mouton-3, Ortiz-1, Penet-1, (Rein)-1, Richafort-1, Sermisy [Claudin]-1, Verdelot-1, Verdelot/(Richafort)-1, anon-22
i + 408 + i paper folios, 294 x 212. Many folios damaged by ink corrosion. Modern pencil pagination, 1-816. Rebound in modern covers of maroon leather, with metal clasps and double slipcase. No index. Copied by a single scribe. Staff height 15. No initials or decoration. Four repertorial sections: (1) motets and hymns; (2) Magnificats; (3) Masses; (4) secular pieces. Section (3) includes several parody Masses by Morales; motet models for these Masses appear in first section.
Late 16th century. Copied in Spain. Once owned by Luis Jesús Fernandez de Cordoba y Salabert, 17th Duke of Medinaceli (1880-1956); may have belonged to Medinaceli family from an early period. Acquired in 1970's by the lawyer and financier Bartolomé March Servera of Madrid.





Region SPAIN


Music genre

Research field MUSIC