
Virgili Blanquet, Maria Antonia

“Homenaje al vihuelista Esteban Daza (Valladolid, 5 al 7 de febrero de 1988)”. Revista de Musicología 12 (1989): 350-351.

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Article: journal 1989 virgili1989

Report on the meetings and concerts that were held as part of festival La Vihuela en la Musica del Renacimiento, conceived as a tribute to Esteban Daza, a vihuelist who lived in Valladolid during the 16th c. During the festival John Griffiths lectured on Daza and Carlos Paniagua discussed the design of the vihuela. (author) RILM NO.: 91-05930-ap


Composer DAZA

Instrument VIHUELA

Century 16CENT

Region SPAIN


Music genre

Research field