
Valderrábano, Enriquez de.

Libro de Musica de Vihuela, intitulado Silva de sirenas. Valladolid: Francisco Fernández de Córdoba, 1547.

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Book 1547 valderrabano1547

• A-Wn, excellent copy, with added MS pieces at the end by hand, shelf no: S.A.76.A.15
• E-Bu (bound together with Santa María, Arte de tañer), formerly from the Convento de Santa Catalina de Alejandría in Barcelona.
• E-Mn R 14018 excellent copy, with some piece from Fuenllana’s Orphenica Lyra copied in by hand at the end. From Barbieri’s collection
• E-Mn R 9282 complete but somewhat deteriorated, from the collection of Fernando José de Velasco. This copy in the library of Felipe IV in 1637 with signature cc-13 (delgado2018, 1199)
• E-Zac (missing some pages at the end), This was not cited by Pujol but he includes it on the advice of musicologist Arcadio de Larrea.
• GB-Lbl (K.8.c.I, perfect condition),
• F-Pc. Reported in pujol1965, I 11, but not confirmed, reiterated in BrownI
• I-MOe, 103 fols. Call no. MUS.D.0523. Italian OPAC identifier IT\ICCU\MUS\0097602
• US-NYhs (imperfect).

Other copies reportedly in: NL-DHgm, P-Pm, US-Cm.
Several references to a copy in Valencia cathedral (E-VAc) are probably erroneous references, confused with the Zaragoza copy.

16th-century owners:
Pedro de Zúñiga y Sotomayor (nobleman from Seville, 1570) see doc D0109 (2 copies)



Instrument VIHUELA

Century 16CENT

Region SPAIN


Music genre

Research field