Colección de Vihuelistas Españoles del Siglo XVI. Madrid: Orfeo Tracio, 1923; rpt Madrid: Unión Musical Española, 1965.
Previous NextPublication type | Year | ISBN/ISSN | Bibliog code |
Book: Edition | 1923 1965 | tornerC |
E:Mn M4273= 1923 edn.. Prologue-starts the nonsense of at least three different sizes of vihuela. Madrid copy is full of red pencil corrections. Edn of Narváez fantasies. Transcription advanced methodology = 2staves + tab, 4:1 reduction= 4:1, multimetrical.
Instrument VIHUELA
Century 16CENT
Region SPAIN
Music genre
Research field
Narváez, Luis de |