
Kreitner, Kenneth.

“Ave festiva ferculis and Josquin’s Spanish Reputation”. Journal of the Royal Musical Association 128 (2003): 1-29.

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Article: journal 2003 kreitner2003

Tarazona 2/3, a cathedral manuscript preserving mostly the music of Peñalosa and his Spanish contemporaries, contains one motet, with the text 'Ave festiva ferculis', attributed to 'Jusquin'. It is a strange piece of music, clearly not the work of Josquin des Prez, but also very unusual within the manuscript, and its misattribution suggests that Josquin's actual music was not a familiar icon in Spain c.1530. This impression is supported by the sources, which reveal a real Spanish Josquin craze beginning in the 1540s, but a much spottier picture, emphasizing the early sacred music, in the decades before. Josquin's strong influence on Spanish music came late.



Instrument VIHUELA

Century 16CENT

Region SPAIN


Music genre

Research field GENERAL, MUSIC