
Honegger, Marc.

“Les messes de Josquin des Pres dans la tablature de Diego Pisador (Salamanque, 1552). Contribution a l'etude des alterations au XVIe siecle.” Diss. U. Paris, 1970. 2vols.

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Book: Thesis 1970 honegger1970

Available at F-Pn VMA-2370 (1-2), (Richlieu, Musique
Abstract: The intabulations - which have no added ornaments - include more than 1,000 chromatic alterations which do not appear in the vocal originals. Their use derives not from the more harmonic character of vihuela performance but from the practice of the singers and from the progress of each voice. In the present edition, the transcriptions from tablature are placed parallel with the versions in the Josquin complete works edition. The use of accidentals is summarized in seven rules (three for the sharp, four for the flat) to which, however, there are some exceptions. In most cases, alterations in one voice cannot be applied - following tonal logic - to other voices, since this logic did not exist at the time. (Author) RILM NO.: 70-03064-dd


Composer PISADOR

Instrument VIHUELA

Century 16CENT

Region SPAIN



Research field MUSIC

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Pisador, Diego