
Fuenllana, Miguel de.

Libro de Musica de Vihuela, intitulado Orphenica lyra. Sevilla: Martin de Montesdoca, 1554.

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Book 1554 fuenllana1554

RISM lists the book as F2093 and FF2093 - this possibly refers to the two editions identified by Wagner (see below). For further details about the surviving copies, see ruiz2021-1, ruiz2021-2, ruiz2022.

Confirmed copies:
A-Iu [UBIalt 480]
A-Wn [SA.76.A.56 Mus]
B-Br [L.P. 2.948 C]
D-WIl [Qt 9762] (Wiesbaden Hochschul- u. Landesbubliothek RheinMain)
E-Bbc [M 411] online:*cat E-E [32-I-3]
E-BUa [no signature] Archive of the Cathedral of Burgos (acquired c.2015). confirmed by Juan Ruiz Jiménez
E-E [32-I-3] San Lorenzo de El Escorial. Real Biblioteca del Monasterio
E-GRda [B 4 216] [available online, acquired 2005]
E-Mba Donated to the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando in 2019 by Plácido Arango Arias. As reported by Pepe Rey (30/12/2019) this copy is unbound, thus probably original in virgin condition
E-Mn [R/9278] bdh: This copy was in the library of Felipe IV in 1637, signature cc-15 (delgado2018, 1199)
E-Mn [R/5647] bdh:
E-Mn [R/14425] copy with title page: Madrid: Francisco Sánchez, 1564
E-Mn [R/9283] (imperf.), bdh:
F-Pn [RES VM7-373]
F-Pn [RES F- 114] probably the copy Brown lists as F-Pc
GB-Lbl, [K.8.e.3.],
GB-Ob [A 1.19(5) Art.], Oxford. Bodleian Library
P-Cug [RISM: FF2093], confirmed by Paolo Estudante, 11 Aug 2022
PL-Kj [Mus. ant. pract. F900. Formerly in D:Bds until 1941]
US-Cn [VAULT Case oversize VM 125 .F95L]

Unconfirmed copies:
• E-Bc - listed in Fenlon2006, not in the online catalogue (accessed 12/01/2020. Probably an error, i.e. E-Bbc
• M-M (Mexico, Morelia) -- BrownI lists a copy in a private library in Morelia. Bernal1952 confirms the existence of the copy at that time, but it has not been sighted since. The title page reproduced in the article confirms it to be from the “print run B” (communication from Juan Ruiz Jiménez, Aug 2022) Javier Marín suggests that the descendents of Bernal may have it, or the Conservatorio de las Rosas.
• RCH-Sbnc -- (according to Fenlon & Knighton 2006) cannot be verified from online catalogue online catalogue (checked 22/4/2011). It is possibly a reference to Diego Rosell y Fuenllana, Parte primera de varias aplicaçiones y transformaciones…
• US-Wc — listed in BrownI but unconfirmed

• Wagner shows that there were two editions of this book in 1554. Their differences are only in the first gathering, in the introductory material, amendments to two erroneous page numbers, and no date in the colophon. In Wagner’s catalogue of Martin de Montesdoca’s works, these are nos IV and VII, which he calls Fuenllana (A) and (B). These copies are:
— Fuenllana (A): D-WIl; E-Mn R/5647 / F-Pn [both copies] / GB-Lbl, / GB-Ob
— Fuenllana (B): A-Wn / B-Br / E-E / E-Mn R/9283 / US-Cn / US-NYp

• Digital reproductions: E-Bbc, E-GRda, E-Mn (several copies)

• Copy in Granada: purchased from a Madrid antiquarian bookseller, c.2010? apparently from a private family library in Galicia at a cost of 18,000 EUR.

• US- NYp Condition report. Inspected by Gary Boye on 24 June 2015. His inspection revealed that "the Fuenllana was wet or in very humid conditions at some point--it is very wrinkled, but not mouldy. No evidence of printer corrections or having been played from. The binding appears to be from 16-17th centuries. It is incomplete though, with photocopies of the missing pages inter bound."
• D-WIl is the copy examined by Riemann for his 1895 article

16th-century owners:
Pedro de Zúñiga y Sotomayor (nobleman from Seville, 1570) see doc D0109




Century 16CENT

Region SPAIN


Music genre

Research field