
Tizón Díaz, Manuel.

“Análisis retórico del género fantasía en Alonso Mudarra”. Neuma 11 (2018): 74-94.

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Article: journal 2019 tizon2019-1


In this paper, we analyse the fantasy genre into the vihuelistic repertory from a rhetoric point of view. To narrow down the study, we studied Mudarra's fantasies vihuelistic repertoire, a very important and prominent musician in this instrumental genre. In this research, we conclude that the repertoire of this genre responds to structural elements linked to rhetoric procedures. Furthermore, by using rhetoric analysis as a procedural tool a meaningful relation between the compositional aspects to music and the conception of the work is establishe


Composer MUDARRA

Instrument VIHUELA

Century 16CENT

Region SPAIN


Music genre FANTASIA

Research field MUSIC, ANALYSIS